Teacher Contact: If you wish to contact your child’s teacher you may do so by calling the school office or emailing the teacher directly. Parents have access to Aladdin Connect which allows you to communicate with the teacher directly, provide notes for absences and more, this is the easiest way to reach your teacher.
All of the email addresses are listed below, we kindly ask that you keep emails within Monday to Friday working hours of 8am – 3pm.
Ms. Fennessy – fiona.fennessy@stdeclans.ie
Ms. McNulty – adina.mcnulty@stdeclans.ie
Mr. McWalters – darragh.mcwalters@stdeclans.ie
Ms. Kennedy – lorna.kennedy@stdeclans.ie
Ms. Magro – tania.magro@stdeclans.ie
Ms. Pazos – icia.pazos@stdeclans.ie
Ms. Thompson can be contacted at principal@stdeclans.ie
Ms. Lafferty can be contacted at deputy@stdeclans.ie